Club Flyer
All Jobs Next Day Turnaround, Cut Off Time 12pm PST
UV Coating:
For 14pt. Gloss Coated Cover, UV Coating will be applied to the color sides, unless No UV Coating on Back is selected. If you select Color Front/No Back or Color Front/B&W Back, only the color side (front) will be coated.
File Format:
We accept the following file formats: .TIF, .TIFF, .EPS, .AI, .PSD, .JPG, .PNG & .PDF.
Upload Manual Proof: 24 Hours (excluding Holidays)
After we receive your uploaded file(s), we will review each file. If we find any problems with your files, we'll contact you, otherwise you'll receive a link to your PROOF to review within 24 hours.
Please use our templates to build your files correctly.
Important: Prices include processing one set of uploaded files and creating a single proof.
You can view the status of your order online 24/7 under "My Account"
All file formats must have a minimum of 300 dpi (dot per inch) resolution at 100% of the final print size.
Images designed for the web typically cannot be used for printing as they have a low screen resolution of 72 dpi. Print images need to be created at 350 dpi or there will be a substantial drop in the image quality.
Color Mode:
All color artwork and/or images must be provided in CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) color mode.
All black & white artwork and/or images must be provided in grayscale color mode.
For club flyers, please build your print-ready digital files by adding 0.1" bleed to each dimension (or 0.05" bleed on all four sides). For example, a 2" x 5.5" club flyer with the full bleed should be 2.1" x 5.6". Please design your files on our templates to ensure proper bleed.